
  • Created : 18th December, 2016
  • Last Updated: 25th July, 2017


The Reports sections on your tournament home page is particularly handy leading up to the start of an event and the daily running of an event. In this section, we will cover:

  • Exporting Reports
  • Viewing Player Rankings
  • Transaction Reports
  • Custom Fields Report
  • Payout Settings
  • Entrant Comments
  • Draw Publish History

Export Reports in SportHQ

SportyHQ allows you to export a number of different things such as Results, Schedule, Player Positions and Players.  This can all be done quickly from the tournament's home page under the Reports section of your administrator bar.  To export, simply click on the title you are interested in. 

Viewing Player Rankings

To view the rankings of the players in your tournament, click on Player Rankings on your tournament's home page.  You can view the SportyHQ rankings or should your tournament have a different ranking system, select it from the drop-down menu under Use Ranking.

Transaction Reports

To view all the transactions for your tournament, select the Transaction Reports from your tournament's home page. The next page will list all the Payouts to you by SportyHQ and all the Successful Transactions. These can be exported to Excel or CSV format.

Custom Fields Report

You may set up custom fields while creating your tournament such as a T-shirt size.  SportyHQ makes it easy to view a report of all the custom fields.  Simply select Custom Fields Report from the tournament home page to view the list.

Similarly, if you set up additional purchase items when creating your tournament, you may want to view a list of the items which have been ordered.  To view the list, click on Additional Purchase Items.

Entrant Comments

In the tournament sign up process, you will have a section that allows entrants to add comments.  To view a report of these comments, you can do so by clicking on Comments under the Reports section of your tournament home page. This next page will list all the comments.


Draw Publish History

All the settings saved while publishing draws from the Draws box of your tournament home page will be logged in the Draw Publish History on your tournament's home page. This is a great feature as it is evidence of all the changes to a draw that may sometimes be useful to a tournament organizer.  To view the draw publish history, click Draw Publish History from the Reports section of your administrator bar on your tournament's home page.

To view the details of a published draw, click the magnifier icon next to the draw which you would like to view.